Eve Lom er i dag kanskje en av verdens mest anerkjente skjønnhetsguruer. Født i det daværende Tsjekkoslaovakia, reiste Eve til USA hvor hun møtte den kjente hudpleieren Georgette Klinger i Hollywood tidlig på åttitallet. Det ble begynnelsen på en formidabel karriere innen hudpleie.
Det var i Hollywood Eve utviklet sin nå klassiske ansiktsbehandling.
Eve flyttet siden til London, hvor hun studerte anatomi, kosthold og massasje. Hun studerte siden akupunktur i Kina, og i 1984 åpnet hun sin første hudpleiesalong i London. I dag er hennes behandlinger og hudpleieprodukter - som bygger på Eves omfattende kunnskap om hud, kosthold og holistisk behandling - blitt legendariske.
Eve Lom er særlig kjent for sin rensekrem, som Vogue betegner som ”trolig verdens beste”. Men også hennes øvrige produkter, og kanskje særlig ansiktskrememene, er i en klasse for seg selv.
Eve Loms filosofi er basert på dyptgående rensing, generøs fuktighet og at ”less-is-more”.
Fantastiske produkter som jeg kan anbefalte på det varmeste.
Sunn, flott hud er etter min mening det viktigste tilbehøret du har.
Husk at vi sender til deg som ikke bor i Haugesund.
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She's the brains behind the cleanser that Vogue declared to be 'probably the best in the world', and a legend in the beauty industry - Eve Lom shares the inspirations behind her career:
Q: What inspired you to do what you do?
I always had a passion for holistic skincare and beauty, which really stemmed from my grandmother who was constantly treating our aches and pains with her natural remedies - chamomile for this, hops for that. I learned quickly that nature could provide very effective healing tools and developing my own natural product range and facial technique was something I had always wanted to do.
I always had a passion for holistic skincare and beauty, which really stemmed from my grandmother who was constantly treating our aches and pains with her natural remedies - chamomile for this, hops for that. I learned quickly that nature could provide very effective healing tools and developing my own natural product range and facial technique was something I had always wanted to do.
Q: What has been the most memorable moment in your career?
One moment that really sticks in my mind was when I was working in LA early on in my career. I was an apprentice at Georgette Klinger's salon and I sent a client that had a very oily skin home with the wrong products - an oil-based cleanser rather than an astringent, which she would normally have been given. But miraculously, she came back a couple of weeks later after using the new product with much improved skin. Although the initial mistake nearly got me fired, the fact that you could treat an oily skin condition with oil got me thinking and wanting to find out how and why this had worked - it was a real turning point for me.
One moment that really sticks in my mind was when I was working in LA early on in my career. I was an apprentice at Georgette Klinger's salon and I sent a client that had a very oily skin home with the wrong products - an oil-based cleanser rather than an astringent, which she would normally have been given. But miraculously, she came back a couple of weeks later after using the new product with much improved skin. Although the initial mistake nearly got me fired, the fact that you could treat an oily skin condition with oil got me thinking and wanting to find out how and why this had worked - it was a real turning point for me.
Q: What does beauty mean to you?
I keep my 'beauty' regime very simple. My products and techniques focus on cleansing the skin so it remains healthy and in good condition, thus letting natural beauty shine through.
I keep my 'beauty' regime very simple. My products and techniques focus on cleansing the skin so it remains healthy and in good condition, thus letting natural beauty shine through.
Intervjuet er hentet fra Vogue